We say ‘Noeta’, but when you spell it, she becomes
No ETA- and she has definitely lived up to her name. Pat has always said that on a boat you can set a time or a location, but never both.
Originally we planned on leaving Rhode Island early October, hauling out at Yacht Tech in Palm Beach to get work done on October 29th and be on a ship to Mexico by mid November. Here we are December 6th, just now splashing the boat back into Florida’s warm water. We’re hoping to put her on a ship sometime around December 18th and then receive her in La Paz just after Christmas. However, since we’ve picked a location (Mexico), we can’t guarantee when we’ll get there.
Not being on a schedule has allowed us to visit with a lot of family, attend my sister’s wedding, see A LOT of the East coast, watch sea turtles, meet some great people and take the time to get Noeta exactly how we want her before we leave the country.
At my sister's wedding in California (no one owned nice clothes anymore, so we had to do some shopping :) |
All together for Thanksgiving in Boise |
Sun setting in the Atlantic ocean in North Carolina |
Learning about sea turtles in Florida |
Since we bought her 8 weeks ago, we have done the following:
- Soda blasted the bottom
- Epoxy barrier coat
- Bottom paint
She had a black hull before the blasting, paint and epoxy |
Now has a red hull and a boaty mcboat face! |
Before prop speed |
After applying prop speed - it keeps barnacles other growth from developing |
- Replaced the shaft due to pitting (this was somehow missed this during the survey)
This shaft holds the propeller - it should be completely smooth - it wasn't |
The shaft shows pitting the entire length |
- Replaced the active fin stabilizer seals
- New house batteries
- New Magnum inverter
- All new Furuno chart plotters
- 2 new radars
- New navigation monitor -18 in
- New navigation computer
- New AIS
- New Maretron multifunction display with ultrasonic weather transducer
- New Simrad auto pilot with follow up lever
In the process of replacing the electronics and the board it sits on |
- New 11.5’ dingy with 30 hp Honda
Ok - still in the box - we'll get to this in Mexico |
- Replaced air filter
- New heat exchanger for the active fin hydraulic system
- New side window (cracked during our cruise south)
Boarded up while the new window is made |
- New blinds throughout boat
Installed these ourselves - all decked out for the holidays |
- Mattress toppers on all beds
- 2 new Smart TVs
- Wifi extender and router
- New Fusion stereo and speakers throughout boat
- New LED running lights
- All new zincs
- Painted a Happy Face on the bulbous bow
Very serious work |
Boaty McBoat Face! |
There is always more to do on a boat, so this list will grow, but at least we seem to have plenty of time to do everything.
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