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Nordhavn 57 Survey in Alaska

 Survey in Alaska Today, July 17th, 2024, it's official! We own a Nordhavn 57! A couple of weeks ago, we headed up to Homer, Alaska to survey and sea trial Ice Dancer II (N5728), our new-to-us Nordhavn 57.  Click here to see the YouTube  video on how it went! In the end of June, eager to get on Ice Dancer for the second time, Pat and I made our way up to Alaska.  We landed in Anchorage where we first got to meet with one of my old students, Jessica Reisinger, for coffee. Since I was her 4th grade, 5th grade and some of middle school teacher, I was excited to see her, because since I saw her last, she not only got into Medical school, she also was selected as Miss Alaska! It was fun to get caught up with her. Jessica Reisinger, Miss Alaska 2022 Then we made the 4 hour drive to Homer, our first time there. What a beautiful area! When we got to Homer, the owners, Dick and Gail, graciously let us come to the boat where he told us about how he brought it from Honolulu to Homer the previ

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